Meetings & Events
Function Rooms
Symphony Hall: This is large banqueting space of 1628 square feet located at the Ground Floor. A separate ceremonial entrance from the main pouch offer exclusivity and grandeur to the hall. The hall is crafted venue to hold convention, events and social gathering.

Harmony Hall: An extensively designed 1748 sq ft banquet hall ideal space to host conference, social dinners and seminars. It is situated at the first floor of the hotel.

Theater Style
This arrangement is suitable for functions with speakers addressing a gathering. Rows of chairs placed one behind the others. This style accommodates a large number of people
who require to be seated. Ideally suitable for conventions, press conferences, product launch lectures, general body meeting, and any kind of presentations.
Class Room Style:
A variation of the theater with the addition of tables for writing purpose or usage of laptops. A personalized atmosphere is created by us this seating style. The tables
are accessorized using writing pads, pens, mouth fresheners, chocolates and other writing materials ideally suitable for sales meeting, training session and other information sharing workshop.
Work shop/Fish Bone:
This style has tables placed in arrangements to form group's discussion and work groups: preferably using round tables. It varies from the class room by enabling an interactive
session. Focus is more on participation and discussion rather than just listening to someone speaking at the podium. Ideal for teamwork involved activities.
Three self explanatory conference styles. Specifically - the 'U' setup, the rectangle setup and the oval board-room setup ideal for interactive conferencing.
Banquet/Informal Style:
Ideal for informal gatherings, family get-togethers, marriage receptions, etc.
We offer the following special services. Rates are available on request:
- Conference kit with embossed company logo.
- Specialized customized menus for every occasion specially done by our Executive Chef.
- Cakes for anniversary and annual day celebrations.
- Personalized stationary, pencils and pens
- Specialized flower arrangements and flower decorations.
- Telephone with local, STD and ISD connection
- WIFI enabled with high connectivity
Facilities ( On Chargeable Bases )
- Podiums
- Video coverage and audio recording
- Professional photography
- Raised platforms/stages
- Floral decorations
- Conference kits
- Banner and back drops
- Tent Cards / name tags
- Business center
- DJ facilities with dance floor set
- Tea /coffee counter for breaks and throughout
Visual Aids ( On Chargeable Bases )
- Overhead projectors
- Spot light
- LCD projectors
- Video projector
- Computers / laptops
- Screens
Audio Equipments ( On Chargeable Bases )
- All types of microphones
- Public address system
- Telephones
- Amplifiers
- Speakers